movie: blade: trinity, movie: lxg

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  • 28 - LXG (Tom Sawyer)

    clez wrote in clez_icons Jun 01, 2007 17:57

    So. I haven’t done this in ages. But I made icons of Tom Sawyer. Yes, from LXG. Try not to die of shock XD It’s been a while, but I wanted to see how they looked with my new colouring technique. So I made one icon from each ‘chapter’ of the movie that he features in, and each deleted scene he’s in as well. So yes, that totals up to twenty-eight ( Read more... )

    actor: shane west, movie: lxg

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  • 90 LXG - Tom Sawyer

    clez wrote in clez_icons Jun 20, 2006 23:01

    Been a while since I've done a massive Tom Sawyer icon dump right? XD Well, the wait (yeah right XD) is over, and here's another maaaaaassive batch of everyone's favourite Extraordinary Spy ^_^

    Next batch, you can expect more Thoughtcrimes, and then Atlantis, Shane West, and some wolves XD


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    actor: shane west, movie: lxg

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  • 12 LXG

    clez wrote in clez_icons May 21, 2006 23:11

    Yup! More LXG icons, and another mixed batch. Everyone features this time, if only in the background! :D So that means Skinner got an icon this time XD Yay for Skinner... ahem.


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    movie: lxg

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  • 24 LXG

    clez wrote in clez_icons May 21, 2006 02:57

    Been a while since I made a mixed LXG batch, I know, heh ^_^ Just got the sudden urge, for some reason - was in a bit of an LXG mood tonight (typically on a night where I should be in bed early @_@). Everyone features in this batch... save for poor Skinner... because I simply didn't include him; simple as that O_o Everyone else gets at least ( Read more... )

    movie: lxg

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  • 19 LXG - Tom Sawyer

    clez wrote in clez_icons Mar 12, 2006 15:25

    Used the textless icons I made the other day to make some with lyrics etc on. Because... yeah, I guess I'm allowed to break my own rules XD Also a couple of animations using Macalania's almost frame-by-frame screencaps in the Dorian Gray's library scene, and a couple with animated text. Was going to make more, but my laptop overheated because I ( Read more... )

    movie: lxg

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  • 219 LXG - Tom Sawyer

    clez wrote in clez_icons Mar 06, 2006 22:57

    O_o ... Aheh-heh... didn't think I'd make that many. Once again, these are from, like the pictures used in my last icon post; they really do have some great caps there, hence all the icons, heh ^_^ Naturally, these are heavily Tom Sawyer focused... one reason being Macalania has a Shane West section XD


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    movie: lxg

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  • 35 Shane West - LXG Extras

    clez wrote in clez_icons Mar 03, 2006 21:20

    Yes... more, already. These are all from; they have some awesome caps/pics over there, so I was sifting through the LXG section, and I made two small(ish) sets from the extras:

  • 25 'Behind The Fantasy'
  • 10 Premieres

  • My next set should be the movie itself.


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    actor: shane west, movie: lxg

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  • 40 - Mixed Batch!

    clez wrote in clez_icons Jan 12, 2006 04:58

    Everybody loves a mixed batch! :D And if they don't, well... sod it, they don't have to take any notice of me, do they? XD Insomnia's a bitch Ahem. Yes... I've grown a bit fond of this technique, and I've basically been trying it out on random pictures to test the results and which pics it works best with, etc, hence the random-ness of this post. ( Read more... )

    actor: shane west, movie: lxg, movie: potc, movie: ginger snaps, tv: er, tv: btvs, actor: orlando bloom, movie: a time for dancing, movie: a walk to remember, movie: troy, movie: whatever it takes

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  • 29 - LXG (Tom Sawyer)

    clez wrote in clez_icons Dec 30, 2005 23:58

    Yup, more textless icons. These ones are from the same website as my last batch, and are all of Tom Sawyer/Shane West (big shock, huh?) in the behind-the-scenes featurettes or deleted scenes from the movie. Many thanks to 'Fearsome Foursome' for the great images they provide.


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    movie: lxg

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